Policies & Procedures

Transfer, Withdrawal & Deferment Policy


Terms and Conditions for Course Transfer

  1. Eligibility and Process:
    • A student wishing to transfer from their current course to another course within Hitmaker Global Academy must formally acknowledge their decision to withdraw from the existing course, unless an alternative agreement is reached between Hitmaker Global Academy and the student.
    • To initiate a course transfer, the student must complete and submit a ‘Course Transfer Form’. This form can be obtained from the Administrative staff of Hitmaker Global Academy.
  2. Consideration for Minors:
    • For students who are under 18 years of age, Hitmaker Global Academy is committed to ensuring the welfare and best interests of the students. Accordingly, the academy will seek written approval from the student’s parent or legal guardian before processing any transfer requests. This is in line with CPE guidelines to ensure the responsible management of minors’ educational decisions.
  3. Review and Approval Process:
    • Upon receipt of a completed ‘Course Transfer Form’, the academy will evaluate the request based on various factors including, but not limited to, the student’s academic performance, reasons for transfer, and availability of the desired course.
    • The academy commits to a transparent and fair review process, providing the student with clear reasons in the event of a transfer request being declined.
  4. Impact on Student Contract and Fees:
    • A course transfer is considered a termination of the existing student contract and necessitates the signing of a new contract for the new course.
    • Students should be aware that transferring courses may have financial implications, including possible changes in course fees and the forfeiture of fees paid for the original course, as per the academy’s fee policy.
  5. Support and Counseling:
    • Hitmaker Global Academy will provide counseling and support to students considering a course transfer, to help them make an informed decision. This includes providing information on the implications of transferring, alternative options, and any other relevant information.

Internal Processing of Course Transfer Request (For Local and Online International Students)

  1. Request Review by Management:
    • The request for a course transfer, whether from local students on campus or international students studying online, will be considered by the management. Applications will only be considered if the student meets all the prerequisites of the new course. The management’s decision is final.
  2. Approval Process:
    • Approval for a course transfer is granted on a case-by-case basis, contingent upon the student meeting the admissions requirements of the new course.
    • Once the transfer request is approved, the existing Student Contract will be terminated. The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)/Industry Wide Coverage (IWC) for the existing course will also be terminated.
  3. Financial Adjustments:
    • Students whose transfer applications are approved will be considered as having withdrawn from their previous course. The balance of the student’s fees can be transferred to the new course.
  4. Formalities for Transfer:
    • A new Student Contract needs to be signed following the approval of the transfer request.
    • In accordance with Hitmaker Global Academy’s Refund Policy, any remaining fees from the existing course will be transferred to the new course. Students may need to top up the difference in fees, if applicable. A new Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)/Industry Wide Coverage (IWC) will be arranged for the new course.
  5. Timeframe for Processing Transfer Request:
    • The Academy will acknowledge receipt of the transfer application within 3 working days. The decision will be communicated to the student within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the signed and completed Course Transfer Form.

COURSE WITHDRAWAL POLICY (For Local and Online International Students)

Withdrawal Procedure:

  1. Definition:
    • Withdrawal signifies the termination of the student contract, resulting in the individual ceasing to be a student of Hitmaker Global Academy. This policy encompasses all scenarios of withdrawal, including but not limited to non-delivery of course.
  2. Terms and Conditions for Withdrawal:
    • To initiate a withdrawal, a student must complete the Withdrawal Form available from Administrative staff.
    • For students under the age of 18, parental or guardian consent is mandatory.
    • In case of installment payments, any unpaid fees must be settled at the time of withdrawal.
    • Failure to formally terminate the contract or notify the academy of the withdrawal intention will result in the continuation of the contract.
    • The request for withdrawal is subject to approval by the Management.
  3. Timeframe for Processing Withdrawal:
    • The processing time for a withdrawal request is a maximum of 7 working days.
    • Students will be notified of the outcome within 7 working days from the processing completion, and will receive a refund cheque, if applicable.
  4. Provisions for Online International Students:
    • The withdrawal process for online international students will include the cancellation of the existing student contract and Fee Protection Scheme.
    • In cases of transfer to another school, the Academy will provide a past attendance record for the student, if required.
  5. Update of Student Status to FPS provider:
    • Hitmaker Global Academy commits to updating the Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) service provider about any change in student status within 3 working days.

    COURSE DEFERMENT POLICY (Applicable to Local and Non-STP Students Including Online International Students)

    1. Definition and Scope:
      • A deferment refers to a student’s request to postpone their study of the course and to carry forward their paid fees to a later period. Deferment may be requested due to reasons such as compassionate grounds or other valid circumstances.
    2. Timeframe for Processing Deferment Requests:
      • Deferment requests will be processed within 7 working days. The decision of the management is final.
    3. Terms and Conditions for Deferment:
    • Request Submission:
      • Students wishing to defer their studies must complete a Deferment Form, available from Administrative staff, and submit it to the management.
    • Deferment Availability:
      • Approval of deferment is subject to the availability of the next intake.
    • Conditions and Limitations:
      • Students must state their reasons for deferment and the desired period. All requests must be supported by official documentary evidence.
      • Deferment is limited to once per course of study and cannot exceed 12 months. Exceeding this limit will be considered a withdrawal, requiring reapplication for future enrollment.
      • Students must contact the Academy to resume their course. Failure to accept the course offered will result in automatic withdrawal, with withdrawal policies applying.
      • Paid course fees will be retained for future course fees. No refund is provided if the student does not rejoin within the deferment period. Additional fees may apply if there is a revision in Academy fees during the deferment.
      • On resuming studies, students may need to purchase new materials if course content has changed.
      • New Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) fees will be required as the original FPS is terminated upon deferment.
      • The Academy cannot guarantee the availability of the same course post-deferment. If unavailable, students can request a transfer to another course, subject to management approval. If no suitable course is available, withdrawal policies apply.
      • An administrative fee applies for deferment requests. Approval is at the sole discretion of Hitmaker Global Academy.


    Purpose of Clause:

    • This clause is intended to prevent the duplication of claims and payments regarding the same matter or damage.

    Clause Statement:

    • In the event that a student, or their parent/guardian, receives compensation from Hitmaker Global Academy or Lonpac Insurance Bhd, this payment will be in connection with a specific provision of this Agreement or the Master Insurance Policy.
    • It is important to note that once such a payment is made for a particular matter or damage, the student and their parent/guardian will not be eligible to make another claim against either Hitmaker Global Academy or Lonpac Insurance Bhd for the same payment concerning the same matter or damage.
    • This applies to all provisions of this Agreement or the Master Insurance Policy. The initial payment is considered full and final settlement for the specific matter or damage.


    • This clause ensures that all parties understand that receiving a payment for a claim precludes the possibility of making another claim for the same issue. It is designed to maintain fairness and prevent redundancy in financial claims.



    Feedback & Complaint Management System

    Feedback and Complaint Management System at Hitmaker Global Academy


    • Hitmaker Global Academy recognizes the crucial role that feedback plays in its continuous improvement efforts. The Academy is committed to enhancing the quality of its products, course delivery, administration, and overall service quality.

    Scope and Areas of Concern:

    • The Academy has established a comprehensive process to address and resolve grievances in various areas, including but not limited to:
      • Academic Standards, Curriculum, and Courseware: Ensuring the academic content meets high standards of quality and relevance.
      • Behaviour and Discipline: Addressing concerns related to the conduct of students and staff.
      • Delivery of Course and Student Support Services: Improving the effectiveness of course delivery and the availability and quality of support services.
      • Facilities and Infrastructure: Ensuring that the physical and digital infrastructure meets the needs of students and staff.

    Commitment to Addressing Grievances:

    • Hitmaker Global Academy treats every grievance as a valuable opportunity for improvement. All complaints, whether they are verbal, written, or electronic (via email or fax), are taken seriously and documented meticulously.

    Process for Handling Complaints:

    • Upon receipt of a complaint or grievance, the Academy will:
      • Document the nature of the grievance or complaint.
      • Issue an interim acknowledgement to the complainant, confirming that the matter is under investigation.
      • Investigate the complaint in a thorough and timely manner.
      • Strive to resolve the issue effectively, keeping the complainant informed of progress and outcomes.

    Transparency and Accountability:

    • The Academy ensures transparency in its grievance handling process. It maintains records of all complaints and the steps taken to resolve them. This process is part of the Academy’s commitment to accountability and continuous improvement.
    1. Informal Resolution of Complaints/Feedback at Hitmaker Global Academy

    Approach to Informal Complaints and Feedback:

    • Hitmaker Global Academy values the importance of promptly addressing minor concerns and feedback, which are often raised verbally. The Academy’s approach to informal resolution is designed to be swift and effective, preventing the need for escalation.

    Procedure for Informal Resolution:

    1. Initial Contact:
      • When a verbal complaint or feedback is received by the administrative staff of the respective department, it is initially classified as a minor issue.
    2. Immediate Attention:
      • The staff member receiving the complaint will attempt to resolve the issue on the same day it is received. This may involve direct action or consultation with relevant colleagues.
    3. Documentation:
      • While informal, the interaction and the nature of the complaint or feedback will be briefly documented for reference and quality improvement purposes.
    4. Feedback to Complainant:
      • The complainant will be informed of the actions taken or the proposed solution to address their concern.

    Timeframe for Resolution:

    • The goal is to resolve informal complaints or feedback within 1 day from the time it is received.

    Escalation Procedure:

    • If the issue cannot be resolved informally within the stipulated timeframe, or if it is identified as a major problem, it will be escalated to a formal Complaint/Grievance or Written Complaint/Grievance process for a more detailed investigation and resolution.


      • The objective of this informal resolution process is to provide a quick and effective response to minor issues, enhancing the overall experience of students and staff and maintaining a positive environment at Hitmaker Global Academy.


    Formal Resolution of Complaints/Feedback at Hitmaker Global Academy

    Initial Steps in Formal Resolution:

    • If a complaint is not resolved on the same day (i.e., the complainant is dissatisfied with the informal resolution), the formal process is initiated when the complainant submits the Complaint/Feedback Form.
    • An acknowledgment or initial response to the complaint/feedback will be provided within 3 days of its receipt.

    Process of Formal Resolution:

    1. Receipt of Formal Complaint:
      • Complaints received in hard copy (letter, fax) or soft copy (email) are directed to the relevant department for investigation.
    2. Documentation and Forms Available:
      • Various forms for lodging complaints are accessible, including:
        • Student Evaluation Form (requestable from the school)
        • Customer Service Feedback Form (downloadable from the website)
        • Student Feedback Form (downloadable from the website)
        • Online Enquiries & Feedback (available on the Academy’s homepage)
    3. Investigation Procedure:
      • The assigned staff member conducts a thorough investigation to establish the facts and submits a report to the management within 3 days.
    4. Management Review:
      • Management reviews the report to ascertain the validity of the complaint and decides on the appropriate course of action.
    5. Communication of Solution:
      • Within 7 days of receiving the complaint, management proposes a solution to the complainant for acceptance.

    Follow-Up Actions:

    • If the solution is accepted, the case is filed for record purposes. Where necessary, the Principal discusses the feedback/complaint with the management team to extract learning points and implement improvements.
    • If the solution is rejected, the management reviews the case, considering any new findings, and offers an alternative solution within 21 days of receiving the grievance.

    Escalation Beyond the Academy:

    • If the student remains unsatisfied with the final solution, they can refer the complaint/grievance to the CPE Mediation Centre before considering legal action.

    Timeframes for Formal Resolution:

    • Acknowledgment of complaint/feedback: Within 3 days.
    • Investigation and reporting back: Within 3 days.
    • Notification of resolution by management/administrative staff: Within 7 days.
    • Final decision communication if a review is requested: Within 7 days.
    • Overall resolution timeframe: Within 21 working days.

    Documentation and Review:

      • All feedback/complaints, including disputes and actions taken, are filed in the Complaint/Feedback File. This file includes information on the nature of complaints and the time taken for resolution.
      • The Academy uses this information as part of its internal review process for continuous improvement.

    Information on CPE’s Mediation and Arbitration


    • Students seeking information about mediation and arbitration processes can refer to the Committee for Private Education (CPE) website: CPE Student Services.
    • Additional details are available on the Mediation Website.

    Initial Steps for Resolving Complaints:

    • Students are first advised to address their complaints directly with their private education institution (PEI) to seek a prompt resolution.
    • In cases where the issue remains unresolved, or if the student is dissatisfied with the outcome, they can approach the CPE Student Services Centre for assistance.

    Types of Disputes for CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme:

    • The CPE Mediation-Arbitration Scheme is designed to address various types of disputes, including:
      • Unsatisfactory services provided by PEIs.
      • Issues related to fee refunds.
      • Disciplinary matters.
      • Quality of courses and instructors.
    • Students unsure about the suitability of their complaint for this scheme can receive advice from the Centre’s officers.

    Assessment and Advice at the Student Services Centre:

    • Officers at the Student Services Centre will:
      • Review the complaints submitted by students.
      • Provide guidance and advice on the best course of action.
      • Recommend resolution procedures based on the nature of the complaints.

    Resolution Procedures:

    • Depending on the specifics of each complaint, the officers may suggest various resolution methods, such as:
      • Direct negotiation with the PEI.
      • Mediation through the CPE.
      • Arbitration as a formal dispute resolution mechanism.

    Encouraging Proactive Resolution:

    • The CPE encourages students to actively engage in resolving disputes with their PEIs and offers support through its Mediation-Arbitration Scheme as a means to ensure fair and effective solutions.
    Complaint Recommended Course of Action
    Private education institutions which have violated conditions of registration (e.g. misrepresentation or failure to honour contract terms) The official investigation of the private education institution by an inspectorate team from the Committee for Private Education
    Unsatisfactory services
    (e.g. poor teaching quality, changes to the curriculum, and delays in awarding certificates) Stage 1: Mediation
    Stage 2: Arbitration
    Fee refunds Small Claims Tribunal
    (For amounts less than SGD$10, 000)

    CPE Dispute Resolution Mechanism


    • The Committee for Private Education (CPE) offers a structured dispute resolution mechanism for students with grievances against private education institutions (PEIs). This mechanism is designed to handle various types of disputes, including fee refunds and other matters.

    For Fee Refund Issues:

    • For straightforward fee refund cases involving amounts less than $10,000, students can lodge their case with the Small Claims Tribunal.

    Dispute Resolution Scheme:

    • For other types of complaints, students can opt for the CPE’s appointed Dispute Resolution Scheme. This scheme is mandatory for PEIs under the Private Education Act and comprises two stages: Mediation and Arbitration.

    Stage 1: Mediation

    • Process:
      • Complaints are initially referred to the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC).
      • Both parties, the student and the PEI, attempt to reach a settlement through mediation.
      • If a settlement is reached, a formal agreement is drafted, endorsed by the parties, and the dispute is resolved.
    • Preparation:
      • Prior to mediation, both parties provide a summary of the case and relevant documents to the SMC.

    Stage 2: Arbitration

    • Next Step if Mediation Fails:
      • If mediation does not resolve the issue, the student can proceed to arbitration.
      • The Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) oversees this stage.
    • Procedure:
      • Arbitration involves a paper-based review, with hearings conducted if necessary.
      • The student initiates arbitration by submitting a request to SIArb.
      • Subsequently, the PEI submits their defence, followed by the student’s reply, each within 14 working days.
      • The arbitrator makes a decision, typically within 60 days for a documents-only case, or 90 days if a hearing is conducted.

    Initiating the Dispute Resolution Process:

    • Students wishing to start this process must fill out an application form at the CPE Student Services Centre, clearly stating the nature of the dispute.
    • The application is forwarded to SMC, which coordinates with the student and the PEI to schedule mediation.


    • The CPE Dispute Resolution Mechanism aims to provide a fair and effective means for students to resolve disputes with PEIs, ensuring that students’ rights and interests are adequately protected.


    Appeal Policy


    General Policy:

    • Hitmaker Global Academy aims to complete the appellate process within 21 days of receiving an appeal. If extended investigation is necessary, the respective department in-charge will inform the appellant by letter.


    1. Appeal for Expulsion:

    • Appeals must be made within 7 working days from the issuance of the Expulsion letter.
    • Appeals require a written request with an Administrative fee of $100 (subject to change).
    • All original supporting documents must be provided.
    • Appeals may be allowed or declined; if declined, reasons will be provided.
    • The decision by the Academic Board is final.

    2. Appeal for Examination Result:

    • Written requests for an assessment result appeal, accompanied by a $100 administrative fee (subject to change), are required.
    • Grounds for appeal must be clearly stated.
    • Appeals must be made within 7 working days of receiving the results.
    • Appeals are reviewed by the second-marker and the Examination Board.
    • Appeals may be allowed or declined; if declined, reasons will be provided.
    • Examination materials are confidential and not returned to candidates.
    • The decision by the Examination Board is final.


    1. Appeal for Expulsion:

    • Appeals require valid documentation evidence.
    • The Academic Board reviews appeals on a case-by-case basis.
    • Lack of evidence or valid reasons may result in appeal failure.
    • Candidates are notified of the outcome in writing.
    • Appeal charges are non-refundable.

    2. Appeal for Examination Result:

    • Appeals involve completing the Assessment Remark Application Form.
    • Valid documentation evidence is required.
    • The appeal must be accompanied by the appropriate payment.
    • The appeal is reviewed within 7 working days of assignment results release.
    • The outcome is communicated in writing.
    • A full refund is provided if the grade increases after remarking.

    Quality Assurance:

    • Hitmaker Global Academy assures an administrative check of marks upon receiving an appeal for unsatisfactory results.

    Informal Discussion:

    • Initially, candidates can request an informal discussion with the tutor/marker.
    • The tutor/marker will review and notify the appellant of the decision.
    • The review includes ensuring correct procedures, mark addition, and accurate recording of results.

    Formal Appeal Process:

    • If unsatisfied, the candidate submits the Assessment Remark Application Form.
    • The administrator undertakes an administrative check before re-marking.
    • The outcome, along with an explanation, is communicated within 15 days.
    • The Examination Board may be consulted for further review.


      • For external exams, the Academy submits appeals to the respective external exam bodies on behalf of the student.
    Attendance Requirements & Award Criteria

    Attendance Policy

    General Requirements:

    • Students must attend all scheduled classes and sign in for attendance themselves.
    • Signing in on behalf of another student is strictly prohibited.
    • Absences must be justified with a Medical Certificate (MC) or prior permission from the Academy.

    International Students (Holding Student Pass):

    • Minimum attendance requirement: 90%.
    • Student Pass may be cancelled if attendance falls below 90%.
    • Leave of absence must be applied for and supported by relevant documentation.
    • Sick leave requires a medical certificate or a letter from parents/guardians (subject to approval).

    Local Students (Not Holding Student Pass):

    • Minimum attendance requirement: 75%.
    • Attendance below the minimum may impact the issuance of certificates.
    • SDF Funding recipients must inform the Academy in writing if missing more than two classes.

    Attendance Warnings and Consequences:

    1. First instance below 90%: Verbal warning.
    2. Second instance: First written warning.
    3. Third instance: Second written warning.
    4. Fourth instance: Third written warning.
    5. Fifth instance: Expulsion letter issued if attendance remains below 90%.

    Award Criteria for Internally Developed Courses

    Grading Scheme:

    • Assessments are based on specified learning outcomes (LOs).
    • Grades are determined by the majority standard of work submitted for each LO.
    • In cases of no clear majority, the higher grade is awarded.

    Grading Bands:

    • 94-100%: Distinction* (High Distinction)
    • 87-93%: Distinction
    • 63-86%: Merit
    • 50-62%: Pass
    • Below 50%: Unclassified/Fail

    Scoring System for Learning Outcomes (LOs):

    • Distinction: 4 points per 30 GLH
    • Merit: 3 points per 30 GLH
    • Pass: 2 points per 30 GLH
    • Example: A 90 GLH unit at Distinction is worth 12 points.

    Programme Guided Learning Hours (GLH):

    • Accelerated/Foundation Programme: 540 GLH
    • Diploma: 720 GLH
    • Advanced/Extended Diploma: 1080 GLH

    Certification Requirements:

    • Minimum 75% attendance.
    • Pass grade in all module examinations.
    • Successful completion of Industrial Attachment/Project Work with a minimum of 50% points.

    Release of Internal Exam Results:

    • Results will be released within 3 weeks after the examination.

    Assessment and Award Regulations for External Exams:

      • Results/Certificates available within 3 months of the last assessment date.
      • For entry requirements, refer to the respective course details.
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